People always ask, "how's the house going?" & we always say "great", "good", "OK", or however else it's been going but the fact is it's going SLOWLY!!!
Trying to build a house at the same time as make a living from home to cover both rent & a mortgage, AS WELL AS parenting a 1.5 & 3 year old & a 13 & 16 year old , well, all I can say is "what were we thinking?". No regrets, far from it, but it is soooo hard.
To make matters worse, Ivy has slowly shifted her waking schedule to begin at 5.15am. Like clockwork. So night time work has all but ceased, I just fade at about 9.30pm these days. Which means I need to work during the day, with 2 toddlers to keep busy at the same time. Kim tries to take them to the block sometimes but then he get's very little done. So we either build a house & go broke or pay the bills & make painfully slow progress on the house. We'd love to just borrow an extra $10 000 to cover bills for a few months, then I could slow down with work & just be Mum & Kim could soldier on & build this house. But the banks won't come to the party. Our accounts aren't impressive enough for them, so struggle on we will. We are getting there, we've taken on a nanny 2 days a week so I can work more. Lucy is an 18 yr old friend of Chelsea's from the circus group they are in, Finn & Ivy know her & look forward to their days with her.
At the block we have finally gone above ground & we have piers! They should be done by the end of next week, 108 of them. Then Kim gets to start playing with timber!! The weather has finally warmed up so that has made things a lot easier too. I hope things will start to progress at a faster rate now.
Finn & Ivy have had a cold for about 3 weeks now. It has gone to Finn's chest & he's not shaking it. Fever is going up & down & we've all had a strange rash, especiallyIvy. So we're off to the naturopath/herbalist tomorrow.
I don't get nearly enough time for my photos (apart from ebay ones!), I still haven't even touched on the workings of my new camera. It is great for my ebay pics, so, so much faster & the quality is great but I am not always happy with the accuracy of colours. Would like to figure that out.
The slideshow I added a few posts back doesn't seem to work??
Here are a few of the favourites I've taken so far:

You know what I mean?

Ivy at the park

Finn -Blackheath

little Lily -I love this pic!

Luca - love this one too!

Ivy modelling Baby Lulu

and again

Finally completed the footing holes & starting the retaining wall at the back of the house. Time to BUILD!!!!!

duck at the lake, wentworth falls


duck feeding

wentworth falls lake

Ivy at Cirquinox, getting into the spirit of things

checking out the talent

I'm so cool

Fire twirling at McCarrs Ck, Full Moon drumming

summer is here-well spring!
