We have done all sorts of things, Kim went to Qld to pick up a new van, here he is arriving home after 2 nights away:
He bought a Delica 4WD diesel van, another bargain he couldn't resist & we sold the old ute for about the same price, so it was a good upgrade.
What have we done on the house? Well, we now sleep in it! We have completed another bedroom & moved into it, all 4 of us.
from an empty shell to lined:
That's Finn's little bed on the far side, Ivy's is on the other side just out of the photo (oh for a wide angle lens!).
Then once that was done we had Kim's Mum & stepdad Barb & George visit for a few days & they helped install out heat source for the winter:

I eventually pushed for antibiotics after he had vomited for 25 days straight. It was a bit of a trial at the time & we were very worried for a while. I just regret not being stronger in my initial belief that it was a bacterial & not viral gastro. Learn to trust your instincts!!

We have so much going on, I will TRY & update again before another 6 weeks goes by!!