Eventually everything fell into place, health, weather, timing, kids, work, & Kim has been able to get a good solid 2 weeks on the house & we have a basic frame about 3/4's done. It's fabulous to see the layout now & the size of windows, french doors, etc. Now, after 2 very long, hard years, we have a house happening!!

putting down the chipboard flooring, Pete, Renie & George lending a hand!

Our first wall! back eastern corner, back of the bathroom

Finn always there to give Dad a word of advice or a helping hand.

East side with bathroom & bedroom windows.

Kim in our bedroom, french doors opening out onto the deck.

Kim's enjoying his Paslode nail gun!

View from our bedroom window, the caravan & shed will no longer be there, just my parked car.

East wall, first window is our bedroom, next is the bathroom. I have always dreamed of living in a light flooded house, hence the BIG windows!
There will be a walk through wardrobe in between with large glass bricks for light.

Finn lending a hand with the broom. He made the "floor" on the right with oregon offcuts.
He'll be building houses by the time he's 10!

Building inspectors

Above & below- a maze of framing! Bedroom, walk through wardrobe, bathroom & 2nd toilet.

Finn standing in between the 2 kids bedrooms,
big windows at the back, built in wardrobes betweens the 2.

Taken from the West side looking across the living room.

Taken through the bathroom window.

A little fairy in the garden ( :
Well, there's a bit of a catch up post! I will try & post more often now things are progressing nicely. I often get put off by posting because it's been so long since my last post there's so much to catch up on & I don't have time!
Please feel free to leave comments, we love getting comments, especially those of encouragement to help us through our very long, often difficult days ( :