A diary of our family's house building project in the Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia. Also my ponderings on family life, living with Asperger's Syndrome, running an ebay business & a place to share my photography.

Friday, 16 May 2008


Finally, finally, finally, we have a house going UP! After Ivy's birthday in Febuary we had weeks & weeks of rain (not to mention all the rain between new year & Ivy's b'day!). Then Kim hurt his back & couldn't work for a couple of weeks, the latter of these the weather cleared up so that was very frustrating. Then his back got better, the weather was good but he had to put some skylights into someone else's house who had been waiting ages for some rain free days  to have it done, so our place had to wait.
 Eventually everything fell into place, health, weather, timing, kids, work, & Kim has been able to get a good solid 2 weeks on the house & we have a basic frame about 3/4's done. It's fabulous to see the layout now & the size of windows, french doors, etc. Now, after 2 very long, hard years, we have a house happening!!


        putting down the chipboard flooring, Pete, Renie & George lending a hand!


                                Our first wall! back eastern corner, back of the bathroom

                 Finn always there to give Dad a word of advice or a helping hand.





East side with bathroom & bedroom windows.


Kim in our bedroom, french doors opening out onto the deck.


Kim's enjoying his Paslode nail gun!


View from our bedroom window, the caravan & shed will no longer be there, just my parked car.


East wall, first window is our bedroom, next is the bathroom. I have always dreamed of living in a light flooded house, hence the BIG windows!
There will be a walk through wardrobe in between with large glass bricks for light.


Finn lending a hand with the broom. He made the "floor" on the right with oregon offcuts.
He'll be building houses by the time he's 10!


Building inspectors



Above & below- a maze of framing! Bedroom, walk through wardrobe, bathroom & 2nd toilet.



                     Finn standing in between the 2 kids bedrooms,
              big windows at the back, built in wardrobes betweens the 2.


Taken from the West side looking across the living room.


Taken through the bathroom window.


A little fairy in the garden ( :

Well, there's a bit of a catch up post! I will try & post more often now things are progressing nicely. I often get put off by posting because it's been so long since my last post there's so much to catch up on & I don't have time!
Please feel free to leave comments, we love getting comments, especially those of encouragement to help us through our very long, often difficult days  ( :

Thursday, 8 May 2008

Ivy is 2 !!

Am going to try & start posting again, & uploading some very overdue photos. The avove is taken on Ivy's birthday, Feb. 23th. We were luck with a great day & had a lovely party for her on the block with lots of visitors including Pop George & Grandma, Uncle Pete & Aunty Renie, Uncle Mario, & lots of friends. Brody made her cake with just a little guidance but no help! The next day everyone hoed in & helped get the last of the floor joists down.
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