A diary of our family's house building project in the Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia. Also my ponderings on family life, living with Asperger's Syndrome, running an ebay business & a place to share my photography.

Thursday, 18 September 2008


We have applied for an extension on our mortgage. Not because we have run out of money, we're actually doing OK on the building front, but so I can stop working until we get into the house. Or maybe not quite stop, but slow right down, any work I do will be a bonus. We are trying to borrow the money we'd need to cover all our bills & loan repayments until the end of the year. This way we can just focus on the house. Kim can get over there early every morning without having to help me with either my packaging or the kids. We had the land valued yesterday so we are just waiting to hear from the bank if it is valued high enough to get the extra money. Wee only need an evaluation of $215 000 so it shouldn't be a problem.
We look at it as buying time, just like you'd buy a holiday. It will hardly be a holiday but it will be heaven for me! I have worked hard for the last 12 years. I am hardly daring to believe it might happen quite yet! I'm not good at waiting, I want to know NOW!!
The funny thing is that the loans manager at the bank has offered us a different mortgage so with the extra money our repayments will actually drop by $50 a month!
Come on phone....ring!

Thursday, 4 September 2008

A Blizzard on my Birthday!

The following pics were taken on my birthday, August 10th & the night before when we had a party at the house. It was FREEZING but we had a fire & Kim put a gas heater on in the house. He went to such a huge effort for this party, I'm afraid I didn't take many photos at all on the night, I was too busy having fun (socially deprived I am!!). I had always wanted to have a 40th (last year) but we had nowhere to have a party (our current house is tiny & my business takes over half of it!) so I always threatened to have a belated 40th for my 41st, if we got the roof on the house in time.
We had such a great time. Kim made makeshift stairs to the front door & put plants either side, set up furniture in my workroom with the fire right outside the window. He put the BBQ in the kitchen & set up tables with flowers on them, etc, etc. The most amazing thing about the night was that our building site turned into a home! Everyone loves the house & the feel of it already, & it has no walls! It felt just great having people there with us. the kids ran around & had a ball, it all felt so "normal"!!! We need times like that to remind us of what we're working for.
The next day was Sunday, my actual birthday & I decided that I'd really love to go to the block & have some help building my vege patch. So Kim, Chelsea, Daniel (Chelsea's boyfriend) , Finn, Ivy & myself headed out for breakfast & then hit the shovels. The snow started while we were still at the cafe but at the block it really started to get heavy, it was magical. Because we were working we weren't cold at all & it was just beautiful. Our red roof turned white! Of course I've seen lots of snow when I lived in Canada but having it here is different, it is unusual & exciting. Finn & Ivy didn't know what to make of it!

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Kim was yelling from 100 metres away, as he continued to get the garden together in the heavy snow " I LOVE YOUUUUU" !!!

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You can see my little vege patch top right, we're just started filling it. I've since finished it, added a ton of compost & I'm just waiting for the last frost so I can start planting!

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Chelsea, Daniel & Finn having a laugh to himself. Breakfast at the Common Ground Cafe on my birthday. I love this pic ( :

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My friend Tracy snuggling with a tired Ivy at the party.

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Not a great photo but one of the few I got. Mario (Chelsea & Brody's dad) with my friend Penny visiting from Buladelah. Penny & I went backpacking together when we were 18! Chelsea's friends in the background looking like surly teenagers!

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Had to put this in as it's such a great shot of Kim!

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I think this is a terrible photo, especially of me looking like the Michelin man (I was extremely rugged up as it was about 0 celcius but I have also put on a lot of weight this winter, working from a computer chair & no time for exercise) but it's the 1st photo I've had of all of us for so long now. Finn & Ivy were getting tired! Brody left for Canada the next day.

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