When she was a newborn my dad used the middle name to do a play on words that I hated. Every time he did it I squirmed. Ever since, her name was wrong for me. I was beginning to think about changing her middle name, before she even knew what a middle name was. Then one day someone asked her what her middle name was. Without hesitation she said "Ivy Rose". Just like that. I thought, "wow, OK , problem solved". Except she keeps changing it. the other day it was "Ivy Flower Petal" or another time it was "Ivy Rainbow Rose", it changes every week. For now she will be my "Ivy Sweetheart" until we settle the matter sometime in the future.
But Paige she is NOT.
If you've been wondering where we are or what we're up to I will try & update soon. Finn has been very sick for 3.5 weeks. Before that he was reacting to a new a dairy free/gluten free diet, 2 weeks of gluten withdrawals (similar to taking drugs off an addict) which shook us all up. Tourettes presenting itself. No surprises there, other than it's intensity. So we've had 6 weeks of hard work.
Kim hurt his back which put him out of action (& placed him in pain) for 3-4 weeks. He's OK now & plastering another bedroom so we can start sleeping in the house & not the caravan. It's getting cold at night. We'll need to get the wood heater installed asap after we finish the bedroom. We are also moving my office out to the caravan, looking forward to that.
Not much else has happened on the house (sorry mum). Trying to keep up with basic daily needs and often failing. Wishing life wasn't so hard. Ivy doesn't seem to have a problem with it, so I guess we're doing something right.
Photo taken on her 4th birthday at Wentworth Falls lake.

Toni, this is a really beautiful post.
Wouldn't it be great if all of the positive wishes in the world could make life easier for Finn? Because you know, all of us that 'know' you would wish for that for you. To make it easier - not only for him but for you and your whole family.
Hugs. Huge ones.
Ivy is such a lovely spirit. I love that she has changed her name to Ivy Rainbow Rose. Now that is perfect!
This is a beautiful photo...and the name Ivy Paige? I think it's as gorgeous as the little girl herself!!!
I know a Paige and she is a beautiful little girl...(and blonde too)...I think that's why I like that name so much!
Wishing you all good health and happiness!
LL Nat:~)
Oh sweet little Finn. How I wish things could be more simplier for him.
He is too precious beyond our understanding.
I hope it all settles soon for you.
And sweet Ivy is beautiful regardless of what name she has :)
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