A diary of our family's house building project in the Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia. Also my ponderings on family life, living with Asperger's Syndrome, running an ebay business & a place to share my photography.

Sunday, 31 August 2008


What a great day it was when our roof was completed! Our house is starting to look like a house!
The roof isn't actually complete but at least the house is now covered. The central part of the house that juts out is our kitchen. The long lengths of roofing iron you see will be cut up high & then a roof section will come out at 90 degrees to the rest of the roof. We just had the lengths to cover it for now so Kim left it as is until he gets to the next stage.
We are VERY happy with how it's looking ( :

isn't it lovely ( :
all our hard work is finally paying off & the rewards are becoming so much more obvious.

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Looking from the east side.

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this is the back of the house as seen from our neighbour's driveway.

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We're really happy with how the house is discreet from the back due to the 900mm excavation we did. It's not much but it made a big difference. We are also delighted to hear from our neighbours Sid & Natalie that they can't see any of our house from any window of their house. This is due to the placement of their studio/garage which although small blocks us completely. We all appreciate privacy so are very pleased with this result. When you live on 1/2 an acre in the bush you don't want to look at buildings!

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the back of the house Kim's very happy with his straight lines!

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some wind shelter, it's been FREEZING!!

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The following photos were taken about 4 weeks ago (I'm slowly catching up!).
George (Kim's stepdad) helped Kim with the roof from beginning to end & they had it all done in about 9 days. Will post competed roof photos shortly!

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Tuesday, 19 August 2008

Finn is 4

I thought I'd better pop this post in before months had gone past!

Finn turned 4 on July 23rd. He was such a happy boy to be having a birthday & he had such a great day! His birthday was on a Wednesday & we had his party on the Sunday. Grandma & Pop George were here for the week helping us get the roof on the house. Pete & Renie came up on the Saturday to give him a present & Pete helped with the roof. The weather was glorious & he glowed with smiles in the sun.
I had asked Grandma to bake a cake for him as she's more of a cake whiz than me & as usual I was flat out with my work, but he insisted on an ice cream cake. he's never even had an ice cream cake so I have no idea where he got the idea. He wanted "3 coloured" ice cream (which we never buy) & he wanted strawberries on top. So shopping we went & he got his ice cream cake.

Happy Birthday big boy! 4 year old now!

These photos were taken over the weekend. Pete & Renie bought him the cutest rocking chair (he wouldn't sit in it for a photo) & thoughtful as always, they bought Ivy a lovely present so she didn't feel left out. Finn was very impressed with such a huge present! They then proceeded to play peek a boo with the box for half an hour, even at age 4 the packaging is still one of the highlights of the day! On the Sunday for his party Jasper & Ziggy came along with mum Stef who babysits for me, Chelsea & Brody's & their friends came & we had a cheap Coles mudcake! I would never have stooped to this a few years back but times are tough! An old friend from Pittwater Steve Wells also came along with his 3 year old Christopher so it was nice to catch up with him. It was cold & we even had a little snow!

Monday, 18 August 2008


Oh my goodness, 2 posts in 3 days!! Amazing! How am I finding the time? I've been given yet another ebay suspension. I'm such a naughty girl! What did I do this time? I used a template with the dreaded wording "I don't take Paypal from Australian bidders". It was 1 of 450 listings & obviously done in error but they gave me 3 days off. Thanks ebay, I needed it. Of course our bank account didn't need it, but at least they didn't end all my listings this time so sales have still been good & I have caught up on my packaging.

We have sold our truck. We did a private trade with a chap from Orange, he was interested in buying the truck & had a dual cab Holden Rodeo to sell so we swapped (plus some cash). We're happy with the vehicle & even happier with our healthier bank account! We'll be paying some overdue bills & buying timber to build the veranda, timber for our kitchen, the ridge capping to complete the roof, amongst other things. Happy days!

Today we had Finn's 1st assessment day with the Child & Adolescent Development Unit (CADU) at Katoomba hospital. I was quite nervous as I was expecting them to ask lots of questions but mainly just play with him & observe him then turn around & tell us there's nothing wrong with him. I've just heard & read too many stories of this happening. We were there for about 3.5 hours. He was observed & talked to by an occupational therapist, a speech therapist, a psychologist & a lovely girl Rose who is doing her master's & "on loan" to the hospital, she was amazing with him, did lots of activities testing his IQ, drawing, plying, imaginative play, etc.
It looks like they are not going to give him a diagnosis as I suspected, although they still need to see him in a group setting with other kids. This is when they will see him in a different light as in a room full of engaging, interested adults he is in his element. He had a ball! I was not that happy with the outcome of today, I felt dismissed with a lot of things I raised, for example I said that I was somewhat concerned with some areas of his learning. Lyn asked what in particular & the 1st thing that came to mind was his counting. He still struggles to count to 10 at age 4. it's coming together slowly but I feel that he's not really getting it as well as he should be. I was told that that's not of any concern, it's within the "normal" range & nothing to raise any concern. I wasn't asked any more questions about his learning, the subject was changed. I could have gone on! After 3 hours it's hard to continue being pushy & assertive, even for your child. I am sure this won't be the last assessment we'll go through & I'm sure I'll get better at describing the situation but today I found it difficult to be heard. We told them that we'll be going home to a meltdown & we were told that that's to be expected, even "normal" kids would have a meltdown after a morning like his. Dismissed again.
The best thing that came out of today is that the psychologist, Lyn, feels that it's very important to get him into a preschool, as do we. He's been on the waiting list to get into the Children's Cottage here in Katoomba, for about 18 months now & we've been told that he might not even get in this year. It's an amazing centre, very small & intimate with a high level of care. It's very popular so people enrol their kids at birth. Once kids are in very few leave until they start school. Lyn agreed that this was the only suitable place in our area for him & she's going to try & pull some strings to get him in asap! They will follow programs to support him in learning to interact & feel safe with other kids. I'm not yet excited as it would be too good to be true to get him in, good for him & good for our finances. I don't dare get excited just yet! We've been paying $150 a week for private childcare for over 6 months now, I have to do it to get my work done but it's hard to cover the cost. And I believe that if Finn gets a place then Ivy goes to the top of the waiting list in her age group as a sibling. It would be so, so good for all of us! Fingers very firmly crossed at this stage!

The photos below were taken about a month ago with the basic frame complete & the ceiling joists going on. Kim powered through this stage! We had a great time with it, probably the best stage of the building so far, Kim really enjoyed it & I went over every late afternoon to have a beer with him & just admire his work & let the kids have some outside time. The weather was very kind to us & we had almost no rain & mild days. If only it was always like this!

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Above is the hallway running from the kitchen/dining room through to the living room. We designed it nice & wide (6 feet) to avoid having any cramped narrow spaces in the house. The large opening on the right is the entrance to my work room, it is wide at the moment as it will be a double cavity sliding door with opaque paneled glass so the northern sun with come through into the hallway without us having to look at mountains of clothing!

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had a bit of rain this day, pooling on the chipboard flooring. it's shaping up pretty well to the weather but at this stage we were looking forward to the roof.

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my work room

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looking down the hallway from the other end

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the back of the house, the 2 bedroom windows

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the man at work
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so neat! I am very impressed with how it's all looking!

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This is Kim trying to get the last joists up before dark. He actually ended up being about 3 short!

Friday, 15 August 2008


This is the beginning of what I hope will be a quick catch up to get my blog up to date! These photos are about 6-8 weeks old. As usual I just haven't had the time for updates, we've been very behind with everything financially so taking time to "blog" just hasn't been justified.

These photos were taken as Kim advanced with the frame, he got most of the external & internal walls done in about 2-3 weeks. It was fabulous to see the rooms emerge as it went up, getting an idea of size & space.

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Finn & Ivy giving a little performance for me

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the beginning of my work room, a better view than I have now (not hard to do!)

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looking out my office window, full view of the cubby & sandpit

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pile of recycled hardwood ready to be used for the ceiling joists

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taken from the east side of the house, our bedroom

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looking from the front of the house into the living room that runs the full width front to back

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taken from the West looking into the living room. French doors will be in the space at the centre of the photo, large window to the left.

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Rosellas, our new daily visitors. They are shaded by a waratah. The marble frog was Kim's 40th birthday present. He wanted a frog as we have a species of endangered frog on the property, the "giant burrowing frog", we found about half a dozen when digging for the piers, trenches, etc. They live about 50cm underground, are quite big & ugly & have long claws!

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Monday, 11 August 2008

my son the jet setter

Brody left Australia yesterday for a 6 week jaunt in Canada visiting his grandparents, aunts, uncles & cousins. At 14.5 years it's his first time going without his dad. We're so proud of him.
He arrived in Boston a few hours ago where his uncle Jean picked him up for the long drive home to Quebec (flights to Boston are much easier to get on frequent flyer points). He is looking forward to going fishing with his grandfather & (to my unspoken horror) trapping. must be his hormones going haywire, hunter/gatherer & all that. This was a little boy a few years ago that was in a rage when I considered getting mouse traps when the little critters started taking over a rental property we were living in!

I don't know if I've mentioned yet (& if I take the time to go back & check, this post won't get finished) but Brody left school about 3-4 months ago. He has been so unhappy for 2 years & everything became way too much for him & he just refused to go. We've been to therapists, psychologists, etc, all to no avail. What I've realised in recent months is that his behaviour is very typical of a teen with Asperger's. I've spent a lot of time reading & researching over the last several months & it makes me think back on Brody's life & realise how many signs he's shown us that Asperger's should be considered. Nobody has ever alerted us to it but as the school counsellor at Korowal said when I asked if she had considered this "oh yes......but it's not my position to talk about that".

So he's gone from homeschooling to doing not very much at all over the last few months, not coping with any pressure placed on him. We've gone for the de-schooling approach as nothing else has worked. I'm kicking myself for not going there sooner as he does seem to be slowly moving forward to a better state of mind. We were surprised when he agreed to a trip to Quebec as he has hardly left the house for the last few months (or his dad's house, he's been staying with Mario a lot of the time).

So I hope he has a wonderful time, I know his French Canadian family will dote on him & give him some much needed attention over the weeks he'll be there & I'm glad for that. He needs it & deserves it. He doesn't get much attention from me these days I'm afraid, not from a lack of interest but lack of time. Which brings me to the house....

Since my last post our house has a roof. Finn has turned 4 & yesterday I turned 41. My dinner is awaiting me now & it is 9.07pm so I must go eat. Hopefully I will post again soon. I definitely have plan to catch up on my blogging soon!

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