Finn has decided he wants his hair short like Mum. Dad's not impressed, Finn's going to have to really persist with this one! He cut a bit of it himself last week, then brought Ivy into my workroom to show me how he can cut her hair too! I think he knew he needed my aproval before he began! He just hates having it brushed & it's quite a bit ofwork keeping it knot free, a job we often give to Lucy our nanny twice a week to catch up on. These days she's plaiting it which looks gorgeous on him!
I've added some new photos to previous posts, it takes me a while to get to these things, catching up financially after 2 weeks off over Christmas is proving to take longer than I thought it would. Ebay's a little quieter than I would like but not too bad.
We've just had another week of rain so not much has happenned on the house, still getting through the floor joists. I think they're about 2/3s done. The sun is out today so Kim's over there for the day. We've bought our roofing this week, due to be delivered next week I think. Another bargain at $6.20 a meter but we are having to change the planned colour. New colourbond at this price is just about unheard of so worth a colour change, it's saved us about $2500. So the colour will now be headland (dark red, almost a terracotta) instead of ocean blue. With our funds very tight now we need to save wherever we can.
We've managed to get a tax return done so that will bring some dollars in & we'll have to sell the Peugeot now too, I'm happy with the Mazda so no point keeping it.

she loves her twirly skirts!

arm in plaster, due to come off Jan.31st

belly laughing, she's always happy!

Finn always happy to RUN!

Brody's artwork on her plaster

must be the smallest plaster cast on earth!
This Sunday we're off to Sydney for the 20th reunion of the crew of the 1st Fleet Re-enactment that I was involved in in 87-88. We're going sailing on the Svanen (one of the tall ships that did the trip & is still here in Sydney) followed by a party at an ex-crew member's place in the inner West. We went to the opening of an exhibition of memorabilia from the event, put together by the organiser Jonathon King in Avalon. I won a writing competion when I was 15 (25 years ago!) that was held by the First Fleet re-enactment comittee & Jonathon had my original story, letter that accompanied it & photo I had submitted all on display. At the time I won a month on a tall ship. It was so funny to see it, my handwriting back then was sooo neat! I don't know what happenned lol! We caught up with a few people we hadn't seen for years (Mario came along to). I went on to work on the Bounty as a cook & sailed to England from Sydney & then did the 1st half of the re-enactment voyage back, Mario & I met on the Bounty & left together in Rio to travel in South America. That seems like another lifetime ago now. Here's a few pics I took at the exhibit.

he had even kept the little cutout I filled in from the newspaper!

a photo of a photo, the ships at portsmouth. Bounty is to the right of centre.

Laid back Ivy

bored teenager

she just wouldn't keep those toes still for me! I like it anyway. Her feet on the table at a restaurant, little feral.
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